Thursday, September 02, 2004

Party Time in New York

Who knew? Tommy Franks comes out for Bush while Kerry appears to be hiding in the bushes somewhere. Bush has two things going for him, foreign policy and tax cuts. After listening to his speech tonight I'm ready to believe he's FDR ready to pull us out of the Great Depression. What does Kerry have left to run on after Bush steals the entire social program from the Democrats?

For all his myriad flaws, George Bush understands one critical item that his opponent does not. Islamofascism is our implaccable enemy and the only way for us to win is to, bit by bit, remove the climate of poverty, absolutism and tribalism that allows it to flourish. This upcoming election is a plebiscite on this, nothing more, nothing less.

One thing struck me about the difference between the Democratic and Republican conventions. At the Democratic convention, Amazing Grace was an instrumental solo and the Battle Humn of the Republic was conspicuous by its absence. The Republicans, on the other hand, had no trouble speaking the word, God.

You know I just have to ask this. Why is it a Republican administration that has the most diverse (sorry about that word) staff ever, not the "come together" Democrats?


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