Friday, September 03, 2004

On to the Debates

I honestly don't know who is more worried, the Kerry campaign or the mainstream media who support him. With control of a national budget the size of ours up for grabs, politics is a deadly serious blood sport. The shrieks and wails of the media about Zell Miller's speech and the Swift Boat vets while ignoring the comments of the Al Gores, Donna Braziles and the Soros-supported 527s show that they believe they are losing and they are terrified.

G.W. is not my to my taste in many ways but at least he understands that there are people out there who are trying to kill us. The incident at the Russian school only underscores why we cannot afford to "reply to any attack" but be proactive and take the fight to the enemy.

Now all I have to do is make it through two more months of campaign rhetoric before I can cast my ballot and get this whole thing over with.


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