Oh Those Daffy Europeans
While every other country is phoning in condolences and regrets to Russia for the children and parents brually murdered by Islamofascists in Beslan, the European Union demands to know how the Russians could have let this happen.
Two hundred seventy five adults and one hundred fifty five children died at the hands of these vermin and the EU demands an explanation. And some people wonder why we didn't listen to them in Iraq.
One day soon, they will become victims of these killers and you have to wonder who they think will help them drag the bodies of their loved ones and children from the rubble. Cheese eating surrender monkeys indeed!
Two hundred seventy five adults and one hundred fifty five children died at the hands of these vermin and the EU demands an explanation. And some people wonder why we didn't listen to them in Iraq.
One day soon, they will become victims of these killers and you have to wonder who they think will help them drag the bodies of their loved ones and children from the rubble. Cheese eating surrender monkeys indeed!
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