Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bits and Pieces

Well, those fascinating debates are finally over and all we have to do is survive the last few weeks of campaigning.

Senator Kerry is a fine speaker. He stands erect with his mane of expensively coiffed hair and speaks in complete sentences. He uses these complete sentences, in many cases, to say things that are patently not so. Hey, he’s a politician after all. Getting elected is much more important than the truth.

President Bush, on the other hand, is less articulate than Senator Kerry. Often his sentences are less ordered than those of the Senator. He also says things that are not entirely truthful.

All told, however, it appears that the Republican campaign is a more mannered campaign than that of the Democrats. The rage that powered the campaign against Clinton is no longer there. All the rage is now on the side of the Democrats. Breaking into campaign offices, putting out memos about proactive actions against vote tampering, British soccer-fan hooliganism and starting silly rumors about the draft and such seem to be the tactics of desperation on the part of the Democrats.

If indeed, the Democrats try to take legal action against the vote count in very many areas I believe it will backfire against them. The one thing much of America is united against is lawyers. If the Democrats are seen as trying to get judges to give them what the electorate won’t, they will manage to marginalize themselves even faster than their Progressive Left Wing has managed to do.

Have you ever noticed how the “party of toleration” is so much more intolerant than those mean, nasty, big business Republicans? Bush and Cheney can disagree about issues on gay rights but the Left turns on any of their own who stray from the party line.
Townhall’s Professor Mike S. Adams has run a number of articles on UNC and some of their “enlightened” policies. If they were any more enlightened, they would be candidates for the Spanish Inquisition.


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