Monday, October 04, 2004

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Debates

You know, I caught only a few minutes of the first debate between George Bush and John Kerry. I paid little attention to the "cheat sheet" issue or to the reams of copy about who performed better or had better hair or anything like that.

By now, everyone with an IQ above room temperature should have realized that this election is not about Republicans and Democrats. It is not about health care or social engineering, This election is not even about who is going to control Washington for the next four years.

I am not a fan of George Bush and I am certainly not a fan of the junior Senator from Massachusetts.

I am voting for George Bush because he understands two critical concepts.
  1. The answer is lower taxes. Now what's the question?
  2. If you are going to fight a war, it is better to fight it on someone else's real estate.

Anyone who cannot accept these two premises is a danger to society.


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