Monday, October 04, 2004

MSM's Last Stand?

A Saturday story from the AP Saturday has Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings "supporting" Dan Rather in regards to the TANG memogate story from last month.
NEW YORK - While acknowledging mistakes in CBS anchor Dan Rather's "60 Minutes" report that questioned President Bush's service in the National Guard, competing news anchors Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings offered support Saturday for the beleaguered newsman.
The mainstream media are surrounded at the Little Big Horn but, like Custer, they think they're too big to be taken down by pajama-clad savages
Brokaw blasted what he called an attempt to "demonize" CBS and Rather on the Internet, where complaints about the report first surfaced. He said the criticism "goes well beyond any factual information" "What I think is highly inappropriate is what going on across the Internet, a kind of political jihad ... that is quiteoutrageous" the NBC anchor said at a panel on which all three men spoke.
A political jihad on the Internet? Why is it always politics for these guys when they are caught with their shorts flapping in the wind
"I don't think you ever judge a man by only one event in his career" said Jennings, anchor on ABC.
Hey guys, we're not just talking about one single event in the long and biased career of Dan "The Liberal" Rather. We're talking about a pattern of behavior that stretches back years! The "Dan Rather-biased" nickname is nothing new. It's really simple. The mainstream media has spent their careers ensconced in their towers of power at network headquarters in New York and just cannot understand that much of America is sick and tired of their constant "conservatives are bad but liberals are good" mindset. But now their ratings are falling, cable and the Internet offer alternates sources to the big three and they cannot or will not see what is happening around them.
What Dan Rather and CBS News did was indefensible. They took a story that had been beaten to death during Bush's previous runs for Governor and President, filled it with curious memos nobody could authenticate and meaningless lies from a Democratic hack and called it news in a transparent attempt to damage the President prior to the election.


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