Sunday, September 19, 2004

POFS time

I must be suffering from clinical depression. I can turn on the news, pick up the paper or browse the Internet and nothing bothers me anymore.

I can listen to the coiffed twits on network news and talk shows without my blood pressure spiking into pounds per square inch. I can even read a Maureen Dowd or Bob Scheer column without breaking into a sweat.

Have you ever ecountered these symptoms prior to an election? If so, you too are probably suffering from POFS (Political Outrage Fatigue Syndrome). You listen to the politicians. You listen to their spinmeisters. You listen to the pundits. And . . . nothing happens.

So, I'm taking the cure. For the next week I will pay no attention to any news that isn't about sports or automobiles that can cruise at 120 MPH. I will even attempt to finish several chapters of my tome on computer security without a single reference to Carnivore, the NSA or Echelon. I will worry only about the things I personally can deal with.

Courage . . . (whoops)


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