Thursday, September 16, 2004

Danny, You Got Some 'Splaining To Do

Dan, Dan, Dan. We all know that journalistic integrity has never been your strong suite but this last week has been really informational. Did you really think that your stern visage and presence could cover up the obviously fraudulent memos so that everyone would ignore the man behind the curtain and instead pay attention to a story no one else cares about?

Instead of pointing out the obvious fact that practically anyone who got into the National Guard during the Vietnam era had either the luck of a lottery winner or some sort of pull, your story has instead made you and your network look very much like Richard Nixon during Watergate.

You have worn your politics on your sleeve for so long that anyone with the IQ to dress themselves and find their way to work in the morning discounts 75% of what you say to begin with.

You're right, Dan. The Bush story may well be true but it no longer matters. What matters now is that a major network has used the public airwaves and fraudulent documents to try and influence a national election.

Instead of knocking George Bush off his perch, you have managed to simultaneously give enormous credence to those pajama-clad scribblers you so detest and make your network the laughingstock of the country.

Attaboy, Dan.


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