Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Is This the DNC of Bill Clinton?

I guess once Bill Clinton left office, the DNC began inhaling. I can only attribute their behavior to some sort of chemical imbalance or Terry McCauliffe has been replaced by a pod person educated in the public schools. If this is not the case, why did they just release the Fortunate Son commercial after knowing that the charges were specious and all the bad information in them was currently under discussion all over the media . . . except by CBS.

Both ABC and CBS have called upon the DNC to pull the ads because they contain copyrighted material (The Daily Standard). To add insult to injury, the CBS material is some of Dan Rather's 60 Minutes II material from last week that will likely cost him his job. At least it doesn't use the Killian memorandums but it does use the interview with Ben Barnes.

This is the interview that was refuted by the interviewee's own daughter the next day. The interviewee that is a major fund raiser for the opponent of the guy he bashes in the ad. The same interviewee who apparently has a book deal in the making . . . much like Joseph Wilson.

Why is it that the same DNC that took Slick Willy to the White House twice and even managed to paper over the second impeachment proceeding in the history of the country can't even get a simple attack ad straight?


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