Monday, September 13, 2004

The Killian Memorandum

No longer is the story about President Bush's conduct in the TANG. For the past four days the story has been about the memos used as the basis of Dan Rather-biased's most recent attack on President Bush. I am really enjoying this.

Dan Rather was my introduction to the phrase media bias during the Iran-Contra hearings. I would wake up early and watch them on PBS, then listen to them on NPR at work. But I would come home every evening and be puzzled because Dan Rather appeared to be reporting on a different set of hearings than the ones I was watching.

I didn't catch 60 Minutes on Wednesday but caught the furor on the web Thursday afternoon. Powerline was one of the first on this but I was even more impressed by the Prowler's apparent leak from CBS on the source of the memos. Hugh Hewitt has been very on top of this with probably the greatest collection of links to the various sites debunking the memos.

And what does dapper Dan say? Attacks by right-wing nuts!

This just keeps getting better and better. I would imagine that by this next weekend Mary Mapes will be polishing her resume along with any other poor sod who got caught out on this. Rather himself may be bulletproof from internal arrows but he may soon be broadcasting to an audience no larger than the staff of the DNC and Kerry camapign headquarters.

Hmmm, maybe he can do a guest spot on the Today Show.


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