Sunday, September 05, 2004

Just What Part Don't They Get?

Two Russian airliners down and hundreds of children and their parents dead. Russia just suffered through their own version of September 11th. Some intelligence points to a Saudi/Chechnyan cell as the ones responsible for both events. And the Left seems to think we can use dialogue as a verb with these people?

Perhaps we should just line up every Abrams tank, every Bradley and anything else that is armored and carries guns axle to axle on the coast of Lebanon and Syria and start them East. If it moves, kill it. If its over a foot tall, destroy it and just not stop until we reach the Persian Gulf. Then we start North until we meet the Russians doing the same thing down through Iraq and Iran until there is as little left of classical Arabia as there was of Carthage.

A radical Muslim cleric in Britain who was kicked out of Saudi Arabia for being too radical said recently that he sees no problem with taking women and children hostage. Can anyone tell me why this man is free to walk the ground of a nation with troops fighting in Iraq?

The Arabic Muslim world better decide whether it wants to survive or whether it wants to continue to be ambivalent about this Islamofascist bunch of vipers in its midst. If it refuses to come to its senses and put these people out of everyones' misery it will find itself under the guns of every non-Muslim on the planet.

And Senator Edwards thinks we should give nuclear fuel to the Iranians as long as they promise to make nice! The current Democratic leadership is truly too out of touch with the realities of this post-9/11 era to be allowed to govern a playground, let alone a nation.

Did Senator Kerry actually think no one would remember those statements of his before the Senate in '71? Is he so out of touch with reality he thought no one would notice that Nixon wasn't in office at Christmas of '68? Is the Left so impressed with their stand on the Vietnam war that they thought their blue-collar base, many still carrying the scars of that war, would rise in solidarity or some other useless marxist phrase to stand behind this "nuanced" lawmaker and his trial-lawyer partner and shout, "Hell no, we won't go" again?

Lots of people, myself included, are no fans of President Bush but the Democrats have left us no choice as long as there are people out there trying to kill us.


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