Saturday, October 16, 2004

Bush vs. Kerry – What Really Counts

“How will George W. Bush have achieved this? In both cases, by force — military force issued in reaction to September 11. September 11 handed him the opportunity. We can be certain that on that awful morning, as Osama ghoulishly smiled from a cave in Afghanistan, a rout of radical Islamic terror, defeat of dictatorship in Afghanistan and Iraq, and a potential wave of democratic freedom in the Middle East was not what Mr. bin Laden had in mind. But neither did he have in mind the response of George W. Bush.”

These words are from Paul Kengor’s
article in National Review. I have maintained for some time that President Bush’s attempt to implement democracy in the Mid East was one of the most far-reaching statesmanlike objectives seen in this country since the Marshall Plan. It is nice to see my position validated by someone else. This plan may not work, but the breadth of vision to even attempt it is inspiring.

While the bulk of the media are consumed by Kerry’s use of the Cheney’s daughter in the last debate, I have run across a few articles that, I believe, best point out why President Bush is the only real choice in the upcoming election. He is not perfect. Aside from the tax cut, I find most of his domestic policies to be based on political calculation as much as reason or conservative thought. But his foreign policy in a war on terrorism cannot be faulted for it’s vision or it’s effect.

I have neither the time nor the inclination to read political books, especially the biographies of candidates I despise. So I will let David Frum speak for me in his deadly
review of the Boston Globe’s John Kerry biography. He pulls enough quotes from only seven pages (260-266) to allow him to describe Kerry’s foreign policy ideas as “opportunistic oppositionism.” ‘Nuff said. Read the article in National Review or take the time to read the book yourself.

Lest we ignore the pajamahadeen,
Matthew Heidt makes an excellent case not only for the demise of the late, unlamented Osama bin Laden but also for the remarkable reason the Bush Administration has not trumpeted his demise as a propaganda tool in this election.

Some people know what matters. President Bush is one of them; the junior Senator from Massachusetts is not. President Bush has set a goal that will probably not come to fruition until long past his term or terms in office; a legacy for the history books and the safety of America. Senator Kerry has difficulty seeing past his next speech.


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