Thursday, September 09, 2004

Poor, Poor Pitiful Dems

If it weren't for the fact that I believe we need more than one party in this country I'd be dancing in the streets like a Palestinian after they blow up some more children and young women. Watching the campaign of Senator Kerry self-destruct reveals so much about the conceits, self deceptions and absolute lack of ethics on the part of the current management of the DNC.

Senator Kerry, he was in Vietnam you know, built his entire candidacy on the strength of four months spent serving in the Swift boats. After Wesley Clark tanked, the DNC was so overjoyed to have a candidate who had not only served in the military but actually had medals to prove it they never even bothered to check his resume.

Along came the Swift Boat Vets with their non-partisan attack on this self-important git with his puffed-up resume and it all began to fall apart. Talk radio and the blogosphere kept the message alive at first while the mainstream Leftist media ignored it and the DNC turned their attack lawyers loose on any media outlet who ran their ads.

After their book, Unfit for Command, hit the bookstores (and is now in its third week on the NY Times best seller list) the major media had to pay some attention to the story and thus began the litanies of unsubstantiated stories and calculated attacks while Chris Mathews and others never let Mr. O'Neil even finish a sentence before they began shouting him down.

It didn't work. The Left was depending on their pet media to quash or subvert any criticism of their candidate and they failed. Too many people watch Fox News, listen to talk radio or read the Internet for the traditional media to be able to control what they see and hear. Now we have 60 Minutes (another unbiased source - NOT) doing a story on what appear to be forged memos claiming Bush received favorable treatment in the National Guard.

What we have here is a terrified Left trying to prop up a candidate done in by his own words and deeds. Granted, there are enough ABB (anybody but Bush) people out there to probably avoid another McGovern disaster but too many in the Democratic base will remember their own or their parent's service in Vietnam to be able to stomach a man whose words were used as flails against American servicemen incarcerated in the Hanoi Hilton. Too many in the Democratic base will do the same thing Zell Miller was castigated for by Jimmy Carter this week.

They will hold their noses, break ranks with the Democratic leadership and vote - not so much for Bush but against Kerry.

And the DNC can't understand why this is happening. What could be wrong with these people? Don't they understand that we have their best interests at heart? Don't they understand that only we can properly run this great nation as it should be run? Don't they understand that we should only go to war when the enemy has landed on the beach and is driving towards downtown Toledo? Don't they understand that we are lying through our teeth to them when we say we feel their pain? If they aren't careful, we'll fire up those lawyers we have on staff and sue their asses off!

The Democratic leadership of today isn't the party of Wilson, FDR or even Kennedy. The Democratic leadership of today is a bunch of spoiled social scientists and demagogues who are angry they are out of power and are even angrier at that contemptible electorate that voted them out.


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