Thursday, October 21, 2004

Coming up on the Election

OK. The Dems are buying votes with crack, clean laundry and anything else they appear able to collect and hand out. They are also staffing up "swat teams" of lawyers ready to challenge any precinct that votes Republican.

Hugh Hewitt has news about the military having to hand out write-in Federal ballots to large numbers of troops who have yet to receive their absentee ballots from home. Hmmm, mom's can send them body armor and cookies but their county clerks can't seem to send them ballots. Does any of this sound familiar? I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent National Annenberg Election Survey poll that showed the military is solidly behind Bush?

Democratic lawyers have already filed voting-related lawsuits in Florida and Al Gore (you remember him, don't you?) is apparently heading down there to be sure everything is even more screwed up than in 2000.

And, has anyone seen the
Channel One teenagers election results? 55% and 393 electoral votes for Bush! Is it any wonder the Democrats have reverted to lawyers and scare tactics for this election.

Want to annoy liberals? Ask them if they've heard about all the people endorsing John Kerry; Kim Jung Il, Yassar Arafat, Fidel Castro and of course, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder. Watch their blood pressure spike!

Then, of course, there are the international poll monitors. They are apparently very concerned about the disenfranchisement of all those ex-felons. Snowbirds can vote in New York and Florida but those poor misunderstood ex-felons can't vote at all!

If this election were not so critical to the safety of America and the prosecution of the War on Terrorism, I would have to laugh at the lengths the Democrats are going to in their attempt to steal what they can't win.

Now Drudge has a story that Bill Clinton wants to be Secretary General of the United Nations. Think of the opportunities . . . entire nations full of interns.


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